Offshore Consultant Leasing Services

Offshore Consultancy Leasing Agreement

We deploy consultants internationally through a virtual approach. Our team of consultants is subject matter experts with global experience in diverse industries and from the following fields of specialization – engineering, accounting, finance, human resources, business process, and data analysis, among others. Through the consultancy leasing agreement, our consultants act as the go-to resource persons of our offshore clients in project undertaking, resolving business challenges, and/or leveraging opportunities.


Service Offerings

Consulting Services

We use diagnostic intervention to understand the full scope of the business requirements....

HR Outsourcing

Organizations can focus on their core competencies to achieve organizational effectiveness and..

Learning Services

At FORMIDEA PH, we provide learning services to professionals who desire leadership training....

Coaching Services

We act as executive coaches to business leaders and managers so they can achieve....

Offshore Consultancy Leasing Services

We deploy consultants internationally through virtual approach. Our consultants are subject matter experts...